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Frequently Asked Questions

About Contact

You can contact us by email or phone. By email: info@dpcode.academy By phone: 1-778-686-4307

About Courses

You can use any operating system either MacOS, or Windows or Linux. If you do not already have a laptop, we do recommend buying a MacOS laptop because our instructors will be using MacOS. However, you will not have any problems using any laptop/desktop.

No, you cannot enroll in a course that is already full. You will have to wait for the next term.

Yes, you can buy only lecture videos. However, you will not have access to course materials including our labs/assignments/projects. Also, you will not get a full support from our team.

Yes, you can. But we do not recommend it.

We have 2~3 TAs (Teaching Assistents) per course. They are currently computer science students from University of Toronto, University of Waterloo, University of British Columbia, University of Alberta and KAIST.

Yes, you can. Upon successfuly completing a course, you can become a TA for the course you finished. As a TA, you will mainly help other students. You will also receive a $200 Amazon gift card.

Yes, you can. You will be invited to our private slack workspace where you can send a message anytime. You will most likely get a quick reponse within an hour. (Guarantee within 8 hours if you message around midnight PST)

Yes, you can. If you are currently working as a programmer and you feel like you are lacking in Computer Sciecne Fundamentals, you can take some of our courses to cover some topics.

About Payment

Yes you can. We are currently accepting e-transfer and credit card. For payment with credit cards, you will have to pay through paypal. Other methods are in the works.

Yes, we do offer Sibling Discount. Families with two students will receive a 10% discount on the younger student. Families with three students will receive a 5% discount on all three students. Other promotions are in the works.

Yes and No. You can only get a full refund within 1 week of purchase. This is because we only accept a carefully selected group of students.